Monday, September 12, 2011

9-11 Memorial Ribbons 2011

This was the tenth anniversary of 9-11.  The Ribbon International project, an NGO from the United Nations, made a tribute to the fallen people of Huntington at the town's Memorial in Heckscher Park.
 I decided to  make a special panel for the event.
 Working on my kitchen table, I cut large numbers from Manila paper, then cut out the fabric from white and red cotton.
 The two towers represented the number eleven.  I wanted them to look three dimensional, so I downloaded a photo.
 I happened to have just the right patterned fabrics for the job.
 Using my old brown Singer from 1957,  I stitched the two and the zero.

 I reinforced the pieces for the towers.
 I pinned them in place.
 The T. V. tower was added next, and stitched down.  The photo showed the bands on the top of the towers, so I mitered them and sewed them to the towers.
The design was sewed to one half of the blue panel, then I folded it and sewed it right sides together, leaving a small opening so that I could turn it right side out.
I ironed the panel,
 then top stitched the boarder, and the small opening closed.
 Ties were added to the four corners
 The panel needed something more, so I sewed down a small cotton flag.
 The finished panel on the kitchen table, with the words "Never Forget" and "Tenth Anniversary" the dates "9.11.01-9.11.11."
 The Huntington Memorial to the lost of 9-11.

A sculpted metal beam from the World Trade Center rubble was placed for each person lost.
The ladies from the Ribbon International group.   Although we usually go to NYC with the ribbons on 9-11, we decided to  stay in Huntington because of the heightened threat warnings.  We plan to go to Ground Zero later in the month with the Ribbons.

Later in the day I hung the Ribbon on my corner.   Never Forget.


diane b said...

You made a great ribbon, we call them banners. And you are still using an old Singer, that is a great add for the Singer machine. It is so sad that so many innocent people lost their lives and many from your own area.

Elizabeth said...

Your panel shows up very well.
I'm sure you were right to spend the day in Huntington.
I gather from a helper that the ceremony downtown was very well done for the families.