In honor of Freedom and the celebration of the U S Fourth of July these are pictures of red, white, and blue flowers in bloom today in the Jarvis House Garden.

True red can be found with a clump of Monarda blossoms.

Hydrangeas with their fluffy heads, bow under their own weight.

A Clematis is supported on a split rail fence,

and the Knock Out Roses try to recover from all the June rain.

The lightest pink approaches white on a volunteer wildflower.

True blue appears in this leftover Corn Flower.

Geraniums on the front porch.

A panicle of loose florets on an Oak Leaf Hydrangea.

Tradescantia, or Spiderwort in the shade.

It is hard to find a true red Day Lily, but several come very close.

White flowers of a ground cover that fill in the gap between tall grasses and a Hosta boarder.

Faithful Hydrangeas.

Trailing Roses.

A Hosta's white bells.

Ripening Blueberries.
Well done, Lori
A really joyful post.
Loved it!
Elizabeth, loved your new format. How did you do that? help , help!!!
I love the Clematis and Day Lily! Happy 4th.
Hi Lori,
Beautiful flowers, your pics are helping me identify some I have.
I'm not sure how to sign up for your email. Maybe this will work.
I just called over from Louise's place ... (as I'm very nosey!) Your photos are lovely and I hope you had a super 4th July!
You must have a similar climate to ours here in the south of England at this time of year. Many of the beautiful plants flowering in your garden are flowering right this minute in mine too. I hope you enjoyed celebrating the fourth of July. x
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