Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eggbert The Easter Egg

Eggbert the Easter Egg, (or Springtime Egg) was a simple elementary art project that I would do with Kindergarten or First grade students.
My daughter is a First grade teacher in the state of Virginia and asked if I had any ideas for an art activity.  I sent her this.  First cut a templet of an egg from a piece of stiff cardboard that would fit on 9"x6" paper.  I used light blue card stock for the egg.
The kids can take turns tracing the egg on their blue paper during the day.
 Next the students sketch a large zig-zag on the egg, making sure that they do not make too many small points.
The teacher cuts some yellow construction paper into 6"x4" rectangles.
Have the children draw their own version of a chick, or help them follow the direction that I found on line.
 With a hole puncher, (one with a small hole maker would be great,) punch holes through the side of the two egg pieces.
 Cut out the chicks and the eggs.
Flip the bottom portion of the egg over and tape Eggbert to the back, making sure that he faces out.
Using the tinniest drop of white glue, glue on a few fluffy colored feathers.
Push a brass paper fastener, or "brad" into the holes for the hinge.
Eggbert is inside the egg.  You can go on You Tube and hear the original Rosemary Clooney Eggbert song from 1952!
We used to line up the students in a semi-circle with their eggs which were closed.  They would sing the song and when he pops out they open the egg.  This is guaranteed to make everyone smile.


r schmid said...

looks like fun.......maybe i should do something simple for a change it might be fun

r schmid said...

looks like fun.......maybe i'll try something fun for a change i always like construction paper

Pieces of Dreams said...

Hi Lori!

How adorable and cheerful for spring. I am going to forward this to Wayne's daughter-in-law and my daughter, so they can do it with the grand kids. I think they will absolutely love it! I think they will also get a kick out of the name! Cheers to you too!