Over the years, this was an art project that was beloved by my elementary students. We called it the Haunted House.
The supplies are found in most craft stores. They include: crayons, pencils, black thin line markers, ruler,black, orange, green, gray, white, red and yellow construction paper, fluorescent papers, white glue, tape, scissors, a hole puncher, and Halloween spider webs.
With a white crayon, sketch a haunted looking house or castle on black construction paper. Include towers, shingles, porches, steps, doors and windows.
Cut out the house, and find a background sheet of construction paper or project board, orange or magenta look really spooky.
Carefully, cutting on the lines, (diagrams to follow,) open the doors and the windows of the Haunted House.
Flip over the house to the reverse side, after cutting open the doors and windows. Carefully place and tape over the openings, fluorescent pieces of paper. This paper had color on both sides both sides, some do not, so make sure that the color shows out the front of the house. Use a little white glue to paste on to background. Smooth.
Cut out a circle of bright yellow fluorescent paper for a moon,
Fold a small piece of black construction paper in half, and draw half a bat's figure, making sure that the fold is in the middle of the bat when you cut it out.
Use a hole puncher for bat eyes, and a triangle for the bat nose.
Make some ghosts on white paper, with a black marker. Keep both eyes on the same side of the head, so that it looks like it is floating in a direction.
Make some pumpkins in different sizes. Use brown, orange, yellow, and green crayons to give the pumpkins shape. Cut out the pumpkins.
Draw a flying witch, and use a ruler to show a line for her broom handle.
Finish the witch and cut out.
Make a waving Frankenstein for the front door, and cut out.
A vampire is next, then

a Jack-O-Lantern popping out of a second story window.
Tombstones with a ghost in front gives dimension to the piece. Slip rolled tape behind the figures to push them out a little.
Complete by stretching Halloween spider webbing over the front of the Haunted House, catching it on the figures and taping it to the back of the paper at the corners. You need very little of the webbing to get the right effect. Have fun withthis project and Happy Halloween from the Jarvis House.