H. I was writing some short articles for a professional journal, Nursing spectrum, (I am an RN) and they paid pretty well. I was enjoying myself and thought that I could do this. Then the work got around and I ghosted Guide for Interns (Blackwell Science) which was really difficult due to the fact that the physician was foreign born and there were many problems to overcome. So, with this in mind, I thought that I could write a novel.

H. To be great, s story mush first be written well and the characters must be real (meaning flawed) they must overcome the situations that they are placed in as well as deal with their own limitations. Never "dumb down" the reader, get the reader emotionally involved either for or against the characters. Research was more difficult than I had thought that it would be. I did a lot of medieval research, the Roman occupation, battle strategies, church history, as well as herbal lore.

H. Interesting question, how did I feel when it was done....relief. No elation...I knew I was tired but needed a rest before i could even begin to think of the sequel.

H. I am currently working on a sequel to BT which will have a great deal of surprises, not all pleasant. I've written about a dozen or so articles for Nursing Spectrum, a professional journal and it was my editor who encouraged me to write.

H. BT is being published by PublishAmerica. I sought agents time and time again....always revising my query letters, trying to gain some interest and faith in the work. I had some nibbles, but never a bite. BT is not a spoon-fed kind of story, and it does not fit into any easy formula. I expect something of my readers, and involvement with the characters who have all the warts and blemishes of real people.

H. I have a fledgling website, but am adding to it each week wit more as the official release date comes closer. www.harryhauca.com
Bone Tear is currently available at PublishAmerica.com/